International Forum “THE WORLD OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS” is a project which is focused on the uniting of business associations (non-profit membership organizations supporting business interests of their members) from Russia and other countries all over the world for the purposes of international cooperation.


What is the project mission?

The Project is aimed at the creation of optimum conditions for the development of international cooperation of business associations, their members and partners from Russia and other countries.


Who can become a Project participant?

Any Business associations, their members and partners can become the Project participants.


Who started the Project?

The project initiators are the Union of Business Cooperation of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Association for the Economic Development of Regions and Municipalities (of Russia) and the Union for Joint Insurance of Risks.


Who leads the Project?

The Association for International Cooperation of Non-Profit Organizations is the Project Moderator.


How can my business association take part in this Project?

The Project Moderator regularly collects and updates the information about business associations from all over the world. Every business association, which is listed in the Moderator database, receives a special invitation to the Project. If you have not gotten a special invitation from Moderator and you want your organization to participate in this Project, please sign up here.


How much does it cost?

Financial conditions of participation in the Project are published here.